So, I love that I have this blog. Right now I am grateful that I have this blog that nobody really reads. It means that I can vent on here a little and the people that it is regarding will never know. It makes life easier. And it keeps me from doing things that would hurt feelings. I really wanted to. My fingers were poised over the delete button in the friends list on Facebook. Thankfully, my sweet husband reminded me that it would only make matters worse. If doing so proved my point, it may be that my little family are the only people that would actually be hurt by this.
I love letters. I love the feel of paper in my hands. I love watching the way handwriting tilts and swirls and you can kind of see emotions. My husband knows that the fastest way to my heart is to get a card and write a heart felt note or to just leave me a little letter somewhere. It gets me every time. I sometimes think I should have been born in another time. A time when you took time out of your life to sit down and ponder what you were going to say. You thought about all of the exciting things you would want to tell someone. You broke heart breaking news and shared in the best of times. Instead today we have messaging on Facebook, where we have replaced real feelings and emotions. We don't have to think about things. We can have instant gratification. We seem to be a world of instant gratification. We want everything and we want it RIGHT now.
The same is true with telephones. Very rarely do we pick up the phone and talk to someone. When we have a question, it somehow seems easier to pull out our phones and just text someone. Even life changing announcements happen via Facebook and text messaging. You don't dare delete anyone as a friend because you might find out that they are having something major happen in their lives. We do care. We just don't care enough to make the effort of calling them. Our lives are too hectic or too crazy to stop and call someone and just say "Hey, I was thinking about you." I can count on one hand the people who call me regularly. One of them is the man sitting next to me. That doesn't leave too many fingers. Yet, I know that there are a lot more people out there who would say that they love me. I believe them. I just think that the world we live in has skewed us so much that we forget to "forget ourselves".
This is not a condemnation of anyone. I am as guilty as the next person. There are certain people that I know would rather talk on social media or text. Instead of calling them, I go for the comfortable. But it is a bad habit to get into. Since we have moved out here, I have family that we haven't talked to on the phone even ONCE. It makes me sad. I felt like we used to be so close. They haven't called me. I haven't called them. We use it as a test. "If I call first, I'm the one giving in. I'm the one who cares more." Why shouldn't we care more? In the eternal scheme of things, if I am judged by my actions, I doubt the Lord will chastise me for "caring about people too much". I'm more likely to be chastised for focusing so much on myself that I forget others. I want to feel emotions. I want my family and friends to know that we love them. I want my kids to talk regularly to Grandma's and Grandpa's. I want my Mom to always know there is a card coming to her when she is having a hard time. It's what life should be like. So even when I feel sad and pathetic for being the person to repeatedly call you, I will. Because you matter to me. I care and I want you to know that. You don't have to care back. This isn't a competition. I don't care if I love you more. There is plenty of room in my heart and plenty of time in my home for love.
I started off this entry determined to say that I was going to stop caring. That I was done with being the only person to call. Somehow, in the end, I am seeing that it is only me that can bring emotions back into my relationships with people. Even if you never return my feelings, I can still feel that way. Isn't that how our Heavenly Father is? He keeps calling us, over and over again. Even when we won't return His calls, He still dials. Even when we ignore His efforts, He still watches over us. He drops cards and letters into our laps regularly, with moments that remind us of the divinity of God and His love for us. But do we respond? Do we take the time to get down on our knees and call Him back. I hope that I can answer this more affirmatively in the future. I hope that starting today, He knows that I love Him back. I hope that starting today, you won't be surprised to get a card from me, or a letter to brighten your day. I hope that I can get over my fear of being the first one to give in and pick up the phone. I hope that when you think of me, you'll call too. I want to hear your voice and know that I matter to you just as much as you matter to me. Let's try to let go of the easy outs and connect again on a personal level.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Friday, April 12, 2013
The Joys of Life
We have had an exciting couple of months and have failed miserably in keeping anyone informed. I hope that all of the excitement is winding down, but it never seems to with little ones. There is always something new and exciting. What an adventure we are having!
First and foremost, Rally girl is officially done with her helmet forever!! It has been amazing to watch her grow and develop. When she had her helmet on, she was behind developmentally by about 4 to 5 months. In one month after getting her helmet off, her physical therapist said that she was almost caught up. It is astounding. I know that miracles happen every day as I watch my own little miracle grow and develop. She is so fun to watch. She says her own name and if she thinks you aren't paying enough attention, she will throw her pacifier and scream her name. It makes me laugh. Sometimes, it makes me want to cry, too! She shouldn't be almost a year old. She is too spunky now and doesn't like to be held. She had her first babysitter since moving to the Basin about a month ago. It was funny. After coming home, the babysitter told us how sneaky she is. Our G man is rough and tumble and wants to play constantly. Rally will just quietly slip away and get into something she shouldn't. Makes for a fun adventure.
G man is going through potty training. This was a decision made out of desperation, not necessarily preparedness. But we are getting there. At 2 1/2 years, he was outgrowing the biggest size diapers they sell at normal stores. He is going to be big and tall like his Grandpa's! So, we made the decision to start toilet training. He is doing so well. We have even made it a whole day without any accidents. I can't wait for it to be done. We keep telling him that he is done with diapers. There aren't any more. Hopefully he is starting to understand.
We sold our Ford today to one of Bruce's relatives. It was nice. I hope they love it as much as we have. We had to drive to Heber City to drop it off. On the way home, we had to stop and get gas. Apparently he was trying to have a conversation with me while I was trying to relax. He said "Mommy" several times to no avail. At that point, he screams at the top of his lungs, "Rissa Walther, listen to me!" I couldn't help but laugh. It is funny when you realize how much they really do seem to understand. What a fun and happy boy. Now if he would stop living up to the "Terrible Two's", we would be ecstatic.
So, onto selling our Ford. We found a crazy deal on a minivan and purchased it. GULP. We are now a minivan family. GULP. It is weird to see my Hot Hubby driving a minivan. It was a necessity, though. We were just outgrowing our little sedan with long trips down to Salt Lake as often as we have. It is an older car, but meets our needs. In the long run, that is all that matters. Being debt free is more of a goal for us than having the newest cars or a bigger home. Those things may come in time, but right now, being home with my babies is the biggest thing.
I started my own little business, as well. I am now an Independent Jamberry Nails Consultant. I have loved it so far, but we have yet to see if I will be successful in this endeavor. I hope so. I hope that it will be the answer to our prayers in making us more financially fit, but only time will tell. So realize if I mention this business to you, I am not trying to push you into buying anything or trying to get you to sign up to be a consultant. I just really want my own business to succeed and am trying to do it the best way I know. WORD OF MOUTH. So with that, call me if you want to order nails, host a party, or are thinking about doing something similar to this on your own.
Our church had General Conference last weekend. It has always been my time to relax and hear from our Prophet. I am discovering that the relaxing may very well be null and void until my children grow up a little. It was a constant fight to keep a two year old entertained. At one point he yelled at me. "Mom, I am tired of being quiet. I want to play!" I forget that it is a lot more sitting time for little kids his age than he would have at church. I must be better prepared next fall! But one of the things that I loved was a talk from Boyd K. Packer. In this talk he mentioned a lot about the changing values in the world we live in. One thing he reminded people of was to not try so hard to be tolerant that we lose our beliefs. I am so grateful for our little family and our belief system. I am grateful for the fundamental role that families play. I am grateful to be a mother and to be married for eternity to my sweetheart. He makes me so happy. When the kids are being pills and I'm so tired I can hardly stand, he comes home and wraps me in his arms. When I haven't gotten to shower yet or have had to clean up potty training messes, he takes the kids outside and gives Mommy time for a much needed shower. He is my strength. He is my home. With him, I am the best me that I can be. So while the world may take away the important role of motherhood or diminish the role of womanhood, I have a man who finds ways to constantly remind me how much he needs me, as a wife, a mother, and a woman. I am eternally grateful for that.

First and foremost, Rally girl is officially done with her helmet forever!! It has been amazing to watch her grow and develop. When she had her helmet on, she was behind developmentally by about 4 to 5 months. In one month after getting her helmet off, her physical therapist said that she was almost caught up. It is astounding. I know that miracles happen every day as I watch my own little miracle grow and develop. She is so fun to watch. She says her own name and if she thinks you aren't paying enough attention, she will throw her pacifier and scream her name. It makes me laugh. Sometimes, it makes me want to cry, too! She shouldn't be almost a year old. She is too spunky now and doesn't like to be held. She had her first babysitter since moving to the Basin about a month ago. It was funny. After coming home, the babysitter told us how sneaky she is. Our G man is rough and tumble and wants to play constantly. Rally will just quietly slip away and get into something she shouldn't. Makes for a fun adventure.
G man is going through potty training. This was a decision made out of desperation, not necessarily preparedness. But we are getting there. At 2 1/2 years, he was outgrowing the biggest size diapers they sell at normal stores. He is going to be big and tall like his Grandpa's! So, we made the decision to start toilet training. He is doing so well. We have even made it a whole day without any accidents. I can't wait for it to be done. We keep telling him that he is done with diapers. There aren't any more. Hopefully he is starting to understand.
We sold our Ford today to one of Bruce's relatives. It was nice. I hope they love it as much as we have. We had to drive to Heber City to drop it off. On the way home, we had to stop and get gas. Apparently he was trying to have a conversation with me while I was trying to relax. He said "Mommy" several times to no avail. At that point, he screams at the top of his lungs, "Rissa Walther, listen to me!" I couldn't help but laugh. It is funny when you realize how much they really do seem to understand. What a fun and happy boy. Now if he would stop living up to the "Terrible Two's", we would be ecstatic.
So, onto selling our Ford. We found a crazy deal on a minivan and purchased it. GULP. We are now a minivan family. GULP. It is weird to see my Hot Hubby driving a minivan. It was a necessity, though. We were just outgrowing our little sedan with long trips down to Salt Lake as often as we have. It is an older car, but meets our needs. In the long run, that is all that matters. Being debt free is more of a goal for us than having the newest cars or a bigger home. Those things may come in time, but right now, being home with my babies is the biggest thing.
I started my own little business, as well. I am now an Independent Jamberry Nails Consultant. I have loved it so far, but we have yet to see if I will be successful in this endeavor. I hope so. I hope that it will be the answer to our prayers in making us more financially fit, but only time will tell. So realize if I mention this business to you, I am not trying to push you into buying anything or trying to get you to sign up to be a consultant. I just really want my own business to succeed and am trying to do it the best way I know. WORD OF MOUTH. So with that, call me if you want to order nails, host a party, or are thinking about doing something similar to this on your own.
Our church had General Conference last weekend. It has always been my time to relax and hear from our Prophet. I am discovering that the relaxing may very well be null and void until my children grow up a little. It was a constant fight to keep a two year old entertained. At one point he yelled at me. "Mom, I am tired of being quiet. I want to play!" I forget that it is a lot more sitting time for little kids his age than he would have at church. I must be better prepared next fall! But one of the things that I loved was a talk from Boyd K. Packer. In this talk he mentioned a lot about the changing values in the world we live in. One thing he reminded people of was to not try so hard to be tolerant that we lose our beliefs. I am so grateful for our little family and our belief system. I am grateful for the fundamental role that families play. I am grateful to be a mother and to be married for eternity to my sweetheart. He makes me so happy. When the kids are being pills and I'm so tired I can hardly stand, he comes home and wraps me in his arms. When I haven't gotten to shower yet or have had to clean up potty training messes, he takes the kids outside and gives Mommy time for a much needed shower. He is my strength. He is my home. With him, I am the best me that I can be. So while the world may take away the important role of motherhood or diminish the role of womanhood, I have a man who finds ways to constantly remind me how much he needs me, as a wife, a mother, and a woman. I am eternally grateful for that.
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